Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Cedar bedding has long been identified as a deadly bedding source for pet rats. If a breeder or rescue finds out that someone is using cedar, they will quickly run away from them; this includes other breeders and adopters. Once a rat has lived on cedar bedding, it will likely have permanent issues thereafter, even though they might not be serious. One hallmark symptom of cedar sickness is the porphyrin that will be around the eyes and nose. A pink eyed rat will be the most distressed appearing animal, as their porphyrin will appear brighter on their white fur. Read more

Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed Food Mix?

Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed food Mix?


Alfalfa pellets are commonly found in poorly made rat foods in many chain pet stores. These pellets are not very delicious for rats, and they simply don’t like this rabbit food.

For beginner rat owners, the easily accessible, cheap, brightly colored hamster and rat food seed mix looks like a great choice. It’s got a massive amount of variety in it, and to be fair, it does smell good. Very fruity. They then notice that the rats leave those little green pellets of hay either laying in the food dish, or stashed in a “I’ll never eat it, but I still want to keep it just in case” corner within their huts. Rats just don’t seem to eat them, and for good reason: they just don’t like alfalfa pellets. Read more

Why Do People Hate Pet Rats So Much? Tails? Disease?

All rat lovers hear it at some point: “EW! You have RATS as… pets?!” And what do we do? We roll our eyes! *Here we go again. Another person who has no earthly idea what they’re talking about.* Fortunately, these people can be educated, and a MAJORITY of them are won over! Before you can confront these people, you have to understand the multitude of reasons that people “hate” them. I say “hate” because you cannot hate something you know nothing about; hence the amount of people that are won over by the Ratty Casanovas! Read more

10 Critter Nation Accessories Every Ratty Needs!

dumbo fawn pet rat licking handWhether it is a double unit or single unit, the critter nation has so much to offer pet rats. It has unbelievable amounts of floor space, super safe pans that don’t hurt little paws, and massive doors that make playtime easy. However, the cage looks super plain if you’re not sure about how to decorate it! We’re going to talk about several critter nation supplies and accessories that will come in handy for any rat owner.
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Rattus norvegicus: Brown Rat History

history of the pet brown rat Rattus norvegicus

Rattus norvegicus: Brown Rat History

Rats have been kept as pets since the 18th century, when they were originally bred for bloodsport. These rats were domesticated and eventually, the tamest wriggled their way into the hearts of their keepers and caretakers. Thus, the pet fancy rat was born! Rattus norvegicus is the scientific, latin name for the most common species of pet rat, and is better known as the Brown Rat. Read more

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Water bottles are a necessity for pet rats. Without a water bottle, you have to resort to using a messy dish. The rats will throw all sorts of gross things into the water (yes, even poop) and they will also dump the dish. Unless, of course, you have a super sturdy & heavy water dish. Without a doubt, a water bottle is the easiest way out.

This brings us to the big debate: Plastic water bottle or glass water bottle for our pet rats? The answer is GLASS! There are so many benefits to glass water bottles that it is unreal. I’ve also recorded my own review and have attached it at the bottom.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

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Adorable Rat Photography Shoot Ideas with My Canon EOS Rebel T5i!

Adorable Rat Photography Shoot Ideas with My Canon EOS Rebel T5i!

Photography with rats: fun, exhilarating, testing, and difficult. I did get several good ones; definitely a girly flower power stage!

Photography with rats: fun, exhilarating, testing, and difficult. I did get several good ones; definitely a girly flower power stage!

I not only have a passion for rats and writing; I have a passion for photography too! Hence my beautiful little Canon camera, that my wonderful partner got for me for Christmas. He got a pretty sweet deal on Amazon and it wound up being an ENTIRE kit. I was ecstatic; and the first subjects I had to shoot were, you guessed it, rats!!! Read more

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