The Bulging Rat Eye: Why Does One Eye Look Bigger than the Other?

healthy rat eyes

Normally, both eyes of a rat are relatively even, sitting on top of the head like small, delicate glass beads. Then, one day you wake up to find a terrifying, disturbing problem has occurred: one of your rat’s eyes is now bigger than the other and bulging, as if it was swollen and ready to pop! Is it possible that the rat has an infected eye? Is it cancer? This really is a creepy situation. Every time I see it, it STILL scares me. I always feel as if the eyeball could pop out, and the imagined visuals are enough to make you cringe. However, I don’t intend to make you hyperventilate and trip over your own two feet in an effort to grab the travel kennel and do 90 MPH on your way to the emergency vet. Let’s take a moment and look at what COULD be going on.

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Hematuria: Is My Rat Peeing Blood?

Seeing blood in a rat’s urine is definitely scary. Blood means that there is something going wrong somewhere along the urinary tract, with dozens of causes possible. Hematuria is not a condition than an owner can overlook; it must be treated immediately. Each and every potential cause of this scary symptom could potentially cause death if left untreated. Not every condition will cause the rat to meet its untimely demise, but it is quite possible when the rat’s health is neglected. Read more

Does My Pet Rat Have a Mammary Tumor? Is It Benign or Malignant?

Does My Rat Have A Mammary Tumor?

Mammary tumors in female rats, or does, is quite common. These cysts can grow very large, and will require a small animal veterinarian in many cases.

Mammary tumors in female rats, or does, is quite common. These cysts can grow very large, and will require a small animal veterinarian in many cases.

“Tumor” is a very scary word for us rat lovers, because many of us know how common they are. Even if a new owner has not yet experienced a tumor on their rats, it’s almost sure to happen. Rats develop tumors, both cancerous and noncancerous, at an alarming rate.

Mammary tumors are definitely something to be concerned about, however they are not as serious as other tumors. Mammary tumors do not spread into other tissues, and are usually contained in one area. If you are worried that your fancy rat may have a mammary tumor, it may be time to get her to the vet so that it can be removed!

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