Are Rats Blind? Is My Pet Possibly Blind?

can rats see better at night in the dark

Rats cannot see quite as well as many animals, but they are not blind. Of course, there is always the possibility that they might go blind for various reasons throughout their lives. There are various ways to test for blindness in rats, but it is important to know that rats do not have perfectly clear vision as it is. On occasion owners might become worried that their rats are blind.  If a rat is taken care of properly, it is unlikely that the rat will go blind. However there are several factors at play in this particular situation.

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Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed Food Mix?

Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed food Mix?


Alfalfa pellets are commonly found in poorly made rat foods in many chain pet stores. These pellets are not very delicious for rats, and they simply don’t like this rabbit food.

For beginner rat owners, the easily accessible, cheap, brightly colored hamster and rat food seed mix looks like a great choice. It’s got a massive amount of variety in it, and to be fair, it does smell good. Very fruity. They then notice that the rats leave those little green pellets of hay either laying in the food dish, or stashed in a “I’ll never eat it, but I still want to keep it just in case” corner within their huts. Rats just don’t seem to eat them, and for good reason: they just don’t like alfalfa pellets. Read more

Why Do People Hate Pet Rats So Much? Tails? Disease?

All rat lovers hear it at some point: “EW! You have RATS as… pets?!” And what do we do? We roll our eyes! *Here we go again. Another person who has no earthly idea what they’re talking about.* Fortunately, these people can be educated, and a MAJORITY of them are won over! Before you can confront these people, you have to understand the multitude of reasons that people “hate” them. I say “hate” because you cannot hate something you know nothing about; hence the amount of people that are won over by the Ratty Casanovas! Read more

Are Pet Rats the Future of the Stock Market???

Are Pet Rats the Future of the Stock Market?

Recently, it has come to our attention that rats are now becoming quite sophisticated wall street traders. Rats are entering the stock market, and they’re becoming quite the little celebrities! Before you assume that we are up to some shenanigans and sharing bogus stuff with you- hear it out! It’s true, and it’s actually pretty cool! You might just be inclined to share this on Facebook, with your friends, to show them just how AWESOME they are. Or perhaps, you might decided to get your rat to turn you into a millionaire! Actually… that’s not a bad idea at all come to think of it… ANYWAYS, check it out!

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Why Does My Pet Rat Stink? How Can I Control Rat Urine and Feces Odor?

Unfortunately, our fancy rats just aren’t so “fancy” when it comes to their stink. Now, we can’t judge them; after all, you cannot say you haven’t had to whip out the air freshener after going to the bathroom at least a few times in your life. We’re all guilty of poisoning the air with our fumes; even our rats. However, there are ways around this issue, but first we must understand why this stinkiness occurs.

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Why Does My Pet Fancy Rat Poop and Pee On Me When I Play with Him/Her? How to Stop It!

Does your pet rat seem to like to use the bathroom on you every time you get him or her out?

If so, we all feel your pain.
Every single rat owner out there has been turned into a toilet more times than they can count! It’s just a part of rat ownership. So, exactly WHY does the entire rat species deem it necessary to poop or pee on us? Well, I definitely have the answers for you; even though you might not like what I present you with. Just know that there are ways to lessen this behavior and to potentially eliminate it with enough perseverance.

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Why Does My Pet Rat Boggle and Brux? What Boggling and Bruxing REALLY Means!

Have you ever witnessed your pet boggling and bruxing? Did it maybe freak you out? If it did, there is no reason to worry about your beloved pet. Rats naturally boggle their eyes and brux their teeth. While bruxing, you will hear your pet rat grinding it’s teeth, chomping, and exhaling as if it’s tired of chewing on some food. As they brux their teeth, you’ll usually see the rat’s eyeballs bouncing or jiggling as they brux. Boggling looks absolutely terrifying to a new rat owner who has no idea of this happening; it almost looks like a mini rat seizure, which would definitely warrant a visit to a rat or small animal veterinary specialist. Check out what it means when they boggle and brux! Read more

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