Can Rats Climb On Beds?

We all love our pet rats; however, there is something that lurks in the minds of thousands of people across the world…

When wild rats invade the home, they can be of great concern. They may destroy food stores, make a home unsanitary, and spread disease to both pets and people.

Thinking of a wild, potentially diseased, animal crawling into bed with you during the night hours isn’t exactly a tranquil thought.

Can rats climb on beds? Is it possible for a wild rat to get into bed with you during the night? The news I’m about to deliver probably isn’t what you want to hear…. Read more

Allergic Reaction to Rats: How to Fix Allergies with Rats

Unfortunately, some of us will have allergic reaction to rats. Much like dogs and cats (as well as other allergens), rats can cause some pretty hefty reactions. But, they can be worked with a little bit easier than dogs or cats. Since rats are kept in a cage, they are restricted to a single area in the home. Larger free roaming pets do not; therefore, they can cause more adverse reactions. Before you get rid of your rats, try these methods below to live happily with your rats! A few changes and sacrifices can greatly reduce reactions! Read more

How Many Babies Can a Rat Have?

7 day week old rat pups babies

How Many Babies Can a Rat Have?

Having a litter of rats can be a very exciting experience; but very nerve wrecking for the first time ratty grandparent who doesn’t know what size litter to expect. Raising baby rats can be rather taxing on the humans, just as it is with mom. We are responsible for socializing them as they grow, while also feeding them, cleaning up after them, and finding them new homes. The bigger the litter is, the more babies there are to take care of. Can you handle it? Read more

Are Rats Dangerous? How to Trap Wild Rats with Humane Rat Traps

humanely removing rats from the home

Are Rats Dangerous? How to Trap Wild Rats with Humane Rat Traps

Wild rats will sometimes get into the houses of humans. It’s just something that happens, just like with spiders, ants, and mice. Getting these little rats out of the house is important from a disease standpoint; we never know what a wild animal might be carrying. Generally, the animal is healthy and happy and just wants a bite to eat or a warm place to stay. FOR those who own abused rescues or skittish pet rats, I advise having a humane trap for them too!  It makes life SO much easier when they get out! Read more

Rattus norvegicus: Brown Rat History

history of the pet brown rat Rattus norvegicus

Rattus norvegicus: Brown Rat History

Rats have been kept as pets since the 18th century, when they were originally bred for bloodsport. These rats were domesticated and eventually, the tamest wriggled their way into the hearts of their keepers and caretakers. Thus, the pet fancy rat was born! Rattus norvegicus is the scientific, latin name for the most common species of pet rat, and is better known as the Brown Rat. Read more