Are Rats Dangerous? How to Trap Wild Rats with Humane Rat Traps

humanely removing rats from the home

Are Rats Dangerous? How to Trap Wild Rats with Humane Rat Traps

Wild rats will sometimes get into the houses of humans. It’s just something that happens, just like with spiders, ants, and mice. Getting these little rats out of the house is important from a disease standpoint; we never know what a wild animal might be carrying. Generally, the animal is healthy and happy and just wants a bite to eat or a warm place to stay. FOR those who own abused rescues or skittish pet rats, I advise having a humane trap for them too!  It makes life SO much easier when they get out! Read more

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Cedar bedding has long been identified as a deadly bedding source for pet rats. If a breeder or rescue finds out that someone is using cedar, they will quickly run away from them; this includes other breeders and adopters. Once a rat has lived on cedar bedding, it will likely have permanent issues thereafter, even though they might not be serious. One hallmark symptom of cedar sickness is the porphyrin that will be around the eyes and nose. A pink eyed rat will be the most distressed appearing animal, as their porphyrin will appear brighter on their white fur. Read more

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Water bottles are a necessity for pet rats. Without a water bottle, you have to resort to using a messy dish. The rats will throw all sorts of gross things into the water (yes, even poop) and they will also dump the dish. Unless, of course, you have a super sturdy & heavy water dish. Without a doubt, a water bottle is the easiest way out.

This brings us to the big debate: Plastic water bottle or glass water bottle for our pet rats? The answer is GLASS! There are so many benefits to glass water bottles that it is unreal. I’ve also recorded my own review and have attached it at the bottom.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

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Can People & Pet Rats Catch Rat Bite Fever from Domesticated or Wild Rats?

Can People & Pet Rats Catch Rat Bite Fever from Domesticated or Wild Rats?

rat mouth teeth and incisorsRat bite fever, an infection caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis (In North America) or Spirillum minus (Mostly in Asia), is commonly spread among humans and other animals by way of wild animal populations; with rats being the largest cause. These adorable rodents have given the disease its name, probably due to the close proximity in which humans and rats live in many areas, whether it be urban or rural. Just how contagious is rat bite fever, is it common, and how easily is it transmitted?

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Coroplast Corrugated Plastic and Other Scatter Guards: Why They Are Important and What You Should Use

corrugated plastic coroplast for pet rats
How to Keep Your Rats From Being Messy and Floors Clean!

4 week old baby rat kitsWe all love our rats dearly, we truly do. From their cute little noses to their long, perfect little tails, they steal our hearts with every ounce of cuteness within their little bodies. However, the mess we don’t love so much! This is why coroplast, other scatter guards, litter catchers, and floor mats are so important to catch bedding, poop, food, and other things that the rats make a mess of outside of the cage. When they kick all of their waste and bedding outside of the cage, it tracks all over the home- and it doesn’t smell very pleasant. For those of you who are suffering, LOOK NO FURTHER! We’ve got the answers! Read more

Protecting Ratty Feet: Avoiding Wire Shelves, Ramps, and Floors

Wire is really bad for our little ratties, unless it is only the cage walls. Cage walls are recommended to be wire, actually. However, using wire as a ramp, floor, or shelf can cause a lot of health issues for rats. It can even handicap them or deform their little paws! We may have to buy cages that use these wire features but we can always find a way around them. Read more

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