How Many Babies Can a Rat Have?

7 day week old rat pups babies

How Many Babies Can a Rat Have?

Having a litter of rats can be a very exciting experience; but very nerve wrecking for the first time ratty grandparent who doesn’t know what size litter to expect. Raising baby rats can be rather taxing on the humans, just as it is with mom. We are responsible for socializing them as they grow, while also feeding them, cleaning up after them, and finding them new homes. The bigger the litter is, the more babies there are to take care of. Can you handle it? Read more

Pet Rat Eye Infection

Eye infections are no fun to deal with. At all. Rats are much more susceptible to eye infections than we are, as they live in close quarters with their own waste. They don’t have quite as clean of environments as humans do. While a dirty environment can have a lot to do with any infection, an eye infection for a rat does not necessarily mean that the human owner is at fault. They do just happen sometimes, and all we can do is treat them properly! Read more

Are Rats Blind? Is My Pet Possibly Blind?

can rats see better at night in the dark

Rats cannot see quite as well as many animals, but they are not blind. Of course, there is always the possibility that they might go blind for various reasons throughout their lives. There are various ways to test for blindness in rats, but it is important to know that rats do not have perfectly clear vision as it is. On occasion owners might become worried that their rats are blind.  If a rat is taken care of properly, it is unlikely that the rat will go blind. However there are several factors at play in this particular situation.

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How to Give a Rat a Bath: Can You Give a Rat a Bath?

Rats who don’t seem to get baths often just don’t really enjoy the idea; much like a dog or a cat who does not get a bath very frequently at all. Just because the animal refuses a bath, does not mean that he or she does not need to be cleaned. Rats, like other animals, can get funky build ups and parasites on them. Bathing is the best way to remove all of the funk that accumulates over time. Read more

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Cedar bedding has long been identified as a deadly bedding source for pet rats. If a breeder or rescue finds out that someone is using cedar, they will quickly run away from them; this includes other breeders and adopters. Once a rat has lived on cedar bedding, it will likely have permanent issues thereafter, even though they might not be serious. One hallmark symptom of cedar sickness is the porphyrin that will be around the eyes and nose. A pink eyed rat will be the most distressed appearing animal, as their porphyrin will appear brighter on their white fur. Read more

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Best Water Bottle for Pet Rats: Glass Water Bottle!

Water bottles are a necessity for pet rats. Without a water bottle, you have to resort to using a messy dish. The rats will throw all sorts of gross things into the water (yes, even poop) and they will also dump the dish. Unless, of course, you have a super sturdy & heavy water dish. Without a doubt, a water bottle is the easiest way out.

This brings us to the big debate: Plastic water bottle or glass water bottle for our pet rats? The answer is GLASS! There are so many benefits to glass water bottles that it is unreal. I’ve also recorded my own review and have attached it at the bottom.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

With the proper glass water bottle, your rat can remain healthy while saving you money in the long run.

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