Do Rats Eat Meat?

Rats are omnivores, which means they eat a wide variety of foods including plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, insects, and  animal products, such as milk and cheese.

Chances are you’ve given your rats a bit of cheese, or a delicious little bowl of yogurt.

However, some question whether or not they should give their rats meat; is it safe for a rat to eat?


Rats: Nature’s Incredible, Intelligent Scavenger

Rats are one of nature’s most important clean up crews. Along with vultures, flies, o’possums, and many other critters, they clean up what others may not want.

Whether that’s a leftover slice of pizza on the streets of NYC, the mess you left on your shirt while eating cookies, or chasing down a common housefly, there isn’t much a rat won’t gobble down.

If you toss a piece of chicken in front of your rat, he or she will run for the hills with a tasty new prize, but there’s no need to fret! 

It’s perfectly safe.

Rats Love Meat!

Rats absolutely love meat, especially when it’s part of your delicious tomato pasta (rats can have tomatoes!) or sitting atop a divine salad. As a rat owner, you’ve likely found yourself robbed of one of your favorite meals due to your smart little pets.

They swoop in when you don’t realize it, and run with their spoils. They absolutely love to dine with us; but you have to be careful, because they will stash their favorite foods (from your meal) in all kinds of places.

Then, they’ll forget about it.

Trust me, if you’re not careful, you’ll find little dried out food stashes all over your home weeks later!

The last thing you want laying around is meat; thus, I don’t recommend giving them much to nibble on, unless they are in their cages. Speaking of which…

How Much Meat Can Rats Have?

Depending on the age, size, and weight of your rat, I would only include meat as a part of a balanced diet. They should not have an entire meal made up of your leftover bits of chicken or pork; instead, offer them a piece roughly the size of their heads at most.

Protein is a very important part of a rat’s diet, and meat is an excellent way to fit that protein in. However, a rat who is overweight needs to be watched carefully. Generally, lowering the carbohydrate and sugar intake can make a world of difference (Sorry little guys; that means a lot less Cheerios, yogurt, chocolate, and noodles!)

If you are lowering your rat’s carbohydrate and sugar intake, meat is an excellent, tasty treat to get their minds off of the loss of their favorite snacks. I’d also encourage a bit of exercise, too; there are rat wheels out there that’ll make it easier to entice your rat into becoming more active.

Ensuring That Meat Is Safe for Your Rat’s Consumption

Before you go to feed your rats meat, just be sure that the food is safe for consumption. A rat’s stomach can handle much more than a human’s can, as rats are able to consume raw meat naturally. However, since they are pets that are living in close quarters with humans, it’s important to ensure that the rats don’t fall ill or become infected with parasites or diseases that could possibly be transmitted to humans.

Thus, let’s be sure to follow safe meat handling processes:

  • Cook meat to an internal temperature of 165*F.
  • Do not cook or serve spoiled meat.
  • Always prevent cross contamination; never use wood cutting boards for meat, and don’t use the same cutting boards for raw meat and fruits/vegetables.
  • If meat seems contaminated with something, or if it is recalled, be sure to return the product to the store.
  • Always refrigerate leftovers.

One Last Note…

If you are offering your rat a recipe that you’ve made with meat, be sure that it does not contain any dangerous foods for rats.


Can Rats Eat Chocolate?

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t love a chocolate treat?

Whether it be some form of candy bars, cookies, brownies, or cakes… it’s likely that you enjoy one of them.

I can promise that your rats do, too! If you decide to offer your rats one of the most delicious guilty pleasures on the face of the planet, give yourself a minute to read this post before you drop a treat to your rats!

Read more

Can Rats Eat Tomatoes?

So, you cleaned out your fridge.

Or, perhaps you have a beautiful garden that is providing you with more fruit than you know what to do with.

Yet again, maybe you have a tomato left over from your salad and you just want to see what your ratties think about it.

You stop and think… “But, CAN rats eat tomatoes? Or will it hurt them… Maybe it’s too acidic? Maybe I should wait…” Read more

Couponing for Rats: $1 Cheerios at CVS! 2/13/16

Couponing for Rats: $1 Cheerios at CVS!

Alright guys, due to my recent obsession with couponing, I’m going to be sharing all of my rat friendly coupon deals with you. This one definitely inspired me! Instead of paying $3 for a box of Cheerios, how about paying $1? Even if you exceed the limit on your CVS Extrabucks, you’ll still get them for $1.50 per box with the coupon. Great deal, right? If you have any questions, check out the bullet list at the bottom of this post. Print NOW and use by tomorrow 2/13/16 at midnight! Sale ends soon, so get it while you can!!!

The Cheerios Deal

  • Print out the coupon below twice. You have a printing allowance of twice per computer.
  • Go to your local CVS and pick up two 12 oz boxes of Cheerios (or whichever Cheerios have the $1 extrabucks promotion tag).
  • At the register, present your CVS card so extrabucks will print. Once the cashier scans the Cheerios, give them the $1 off 2 Cheerios coupon you printed. Each coupon requires two boxes purchased.
  • Your $1 Extrabucks will print!


Price Break Down

  • Cheerios are on sale at CVS for 2 for $4
  • Coupon is $1 off 2, bringing the price down to $1.50 each, or 2 for $3.
  • After the $1 Extrabucks prints, you have paid $3 for two boxes of cereal with a $1 Extrabuck in your hand. This brings the final price to $1 per box! You can then use that Extrabuck on MORE cheerios!
  1. What Are Extrabucks?           Extrabucks are like CVS “cash” that you can spend at CVS. They are linked to your CVS card and cannot be used with another card.  They print on your receipt, and can be redeemed immediately. Look at it like a CVS gift card!
  2. Why Can I Print Only 2 Coupons?          Couponing sites have a limit per device to prevent abuse. Every computer, cell phone, and tablet is limited to two copies each.
  3. What About CVS Limits?            CVS sets limits on its extrabucks promotions. This limit is usually from anywhere between 1 and 6 times. Check out sales ads for more information.


Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed Food Mix?

Why Doesn’t My Rat Eat Alfalfa Pellets in Rat & Hamster Seed food Mix?


Alfalfa pellets are commonly found in poorly made rat foods in many chain pet stores. These pellets are not very delicious for rats, and they simply don’t like this rabbit food.

For beginner rat owners, the easily accessible, cheap, brightly colored hamster and rat food seed mix looks like a great choice. It’s got a massive amount of variety in it, and to be fair, it does smell good. Very fruity. They then notice that the rats leave those little green pellets of hay either laying in the food dish, or stashed in a “I’ll never eat it, but I still want to keep it just in case” corner within their huts. Rats just don’t seem to eat them, and for good reason: they just don’t like alfalfa pellets. Read more