The Bulging Rat Eye: Why Does One Eye Look Bigger than the Other?

healthy rat eyes

Normally, both eyes of a rat are relatively even, sitting on top of the head like small, delicate glass beads. Then, one day you wake up to find a terrifying, disturbing problem has occurred: one of your rat’s eyes is now bigger than the other and bulging, as if it was swollen and ready to pop! Is it possible that the rat has an infected eye? Is it cancer? This really is a creepy situation. Every time I see it, it STILL scares me. I always feel as if the eyeball could pop out, and the imagined visuals are enough to make you cringe. However, I don’t intend to make you hyperventilate and trip over your own two feet in an effort to grab the travel kennel and do 90 MPH on your way to the emergency vet. Let’s take a moment and look at what COULD be going on.

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Pet Rat Eye Infection

Eye infections are no fun to deal with. At all. Rats are much more susceptible to eye infections than we are, as they live in close quarters with their own waste. They don’t have quite as clean of environments as humans do. While a dirty environment can have a lot to do with any infection, an eye infection for a rat does not necessarily mean that the human owner is at fault. They do just happen sometimes, and all we can do is treat them properly! Read more

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Red & Yellow Cedar Wood Bedding: Highly Toxic and Deadly for Rats

Cedar bedding has long been identified as a deadly bedding source for pet rats. If a breeder or rescue finds out that someone is using cedar, they will quickly run away from them; this includes other breeders and adopters. Once a rat has lived on cedar bedding, it will likely have permanent issues thereafter, even though they might not be serious. One hallmark symptom of cedar sickness is the porphyrin that will be around the eyes and nose. A pink eyed rat will be the most distressed appearing animal, as their porphyrin will appear brighter on their white fur. Read more