Can Rats Climb On Beds?

We all love our pet rats; however, there is something that lurks in the minds of thousands of people across the world…

When wild rats invade the home, they can be of great concern. They may destroy food stores, make a home unsanitary, and spread disease to both pets and people.

Thinking of a wild, potentially diseased, animal crawling into bed with you during the night hours isn’t exactly a tranquil thought.

Can rats climb on beds? Is it possible for a wild rat to get into bed with you during the night? The news I’m about to deliver probably isn’t what you want to hear…. Read more

Rat Training Miracle: What’s a Pee Rock, How Do I Use It?


A pee rock is a rock that is sworn by in the world of experienced rat owners, trainers, and breeders. Pee rocks are named as such because they are used to encourage territorial marking and urination. They are placed inside of a rat’s litter box, persuading the rat to use the box instead of the cage. If you haven’t tried the pee rock, you should today! It is one of the most useful tools when training rats to use a litter box. We’ll even show you where to get them! Read more

Allergic Reaction to Rats: How to Fix Allergies with Rats

Unfortunately, some of us will have allergic reaction to rats. Much like dogs and cats (as well as other allergens), rats can cause some pretty hefty reactions. But, they can be worked with a little bit easier than dogs or cats. Since rats are kept in a cage, they are restricted to a single area in the home. Larger free roaming pets do not; therefore, they can cause more adverse reactions. Before you get rid of your rats, try these methods below to live happily with your rats! A few changes and sacrifices can greatly reduce reactions! Read more

Hematuria: Is My Rat Peeing Blood?

Seeing blood in a rat’s urine is definitely scary. Blood means that there is something going wrong somewhere along the urinary tract, with dozens of causes possible. Hematuria is not a condition than an owner can overlook; it must be treated immediately. Each and every potential cause of this scary symptom could potentially cause death if left untreated. Not every condition will cause the rat to meet its untimely demise, but it is quite possible when the rat’s health is neglected. Read more