Can Rats Climb On Beds?

We all love our pet rats; however, there is something that lurks in the minds of thousands of people across the world…

When wild rats invade the home, they can be of great concern. They may destroy food stores, make a home unsanitary, and spread disease to both pets and people.

Thinking of a wild, potentially diseased, animal crawling into bed with you during the night hours isn’t exactly a tranquil thought.

Can rats climb on beds? Is it possible for a wild rat to get into bed with you during the night? The news I’m about to deliver probably isn’t what you want to hear…. Read more

Can Rats Eat Tomatoes?

So, you cleaned out your fridge.

Or, perhaps you have a beautiful garden that is providing you with more fruit than you know what to do with.

Yet again, maybe you have a tomato left over from your salad and you just want to see what your ratties think about it.

You stop and think… “But, CAN rats eat tomatoes? Or will it hurt them… Maybe it’s too acidic? Maybe I should wait…” Read more

How to Give a Rat a Bath: Can You Give a Rat a Bath?

Rats who don’t seem to get baths often just don’t really enjoy the idea; much like a dog or a cat who does not get a bath very frequently at all. Just because the animal refuses a bath, does not mean that he or she does not need to be cleaned. Rats, like other animals, can get funky build ups and parasites on them. Bathing is the best way to remove all of the funk that accumulates over time. Read more

Why Does My Pet Rat Stink? How Can I Control Rat Urine and Feces Odor?

Unfortunately, our fancy rats just aren’t so “fancy” when it comes to their stink. Now, we can’t judge them; after all, you cannot say you haven’t had to whip out the air freshener after going to the bathroom at least a few times in your life. We’re all guilty of poisoning the air with our fumes; even our rats. However, there are ways around this issue, but first we must understand why this stinkiness occurs.

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Why Does My Pet Fancy Rat Poop and Pee On Me When I Play with Him/Her? How to Stop It!

Does your pet rat seem to like to use the bathroom on you every time you get him or her out?

If so, we all feel your pain.
Every single rat owner out there has been turned into a toilet more times than they can count! It’s just a part of rat ownership. So, exactly WHY does the entire rat species deem it necessary to poop or pee on us? Well, I definitely have the answers for you; even though you might not like what I present you with. Just know that there are ways to lessen this behavior and to potentially eliminate it with enough perseverance.

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