What Does It Mean When a Rat Licks or Grooms You?

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Does it just mean I taste good?

Do I just smell terrible?

Does my rat think I’m a poorly, lost child who needs some direction in life?

Does this have anything to do with the boggling and bruxing that my rat does?!

What is this about?!

Rats are known for licking their owners; some a bit more obsessively than others. They may lick you at odd times. They might only do it once in a blue moon. In any case, it seems a bit odd; especially since dogs are the “lickers” of the animal world.

Move over, Fido. Templeton the Dumbo Rat is taking your title! Read more

Why Is My Rat Going Bald? Natural Hair Loss, Disease, or Parasites?

A rat going bald could be something as simple as a unique coat variety, or as serious as a deadly infection, parasite, or severe bullying. If a rat suddenly begins losing hair, his or her age, coat type, sex, overall health, and relationships between cage mates must be noted. All of these different things can play an important role in baldness. For a rat going bald, the owner can rest easy once he or she knows that the fur baby is safe and healthy!

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My Rat Has Lice or Mites: How Do I Get Rid of Them? (Mites on Rats Home Remedy)

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Lice and mites are hard to get rid of when they infest pet rats. This is especially true when you are not equipped with the proper medications. Both lice and mites can become immune to chemical or medicinal treatments, requiring a change in formula when drug resistant specimens are found on furred rats. External parasites on rats can become a massive problem in homes with several ratties. To better understand the difference between rat specific mites and lice, we’ll give you a small overview. This video will show you exactly what a LICE INFESTATION looks like;  if this is not what you’re seeing, keep reading for more information on diagnostics; if this IS what you’re seeing, we’ll tell you how to treat them!

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Allergic Reaction to Rats: How to Fix Allergies with Rats

Unfortunately, some of us will have allergic reaction to rats. Much like dogs and cats (as well as other allergens), rats can cause some pretty hefty reactions. But, they can be worked with a little bit easier than dogs or cats. Since rats are kept in a cage, they are restricted to a single area in the home. Larger free roaming pets do not; therefore, they can cause more adverse reactions. Before you get rid of your rats, try these methods below to live happily with your rats! A few changes and sacrifices can greatly reduce reactions! Read more

Pet Rat Eye Infection

Eye infections are no fun to deal with. At all. Rats are much more susceptible to eye infections than we are, as they live in close quarters with their own waste. They don’t have quite as clean of environments as humans do. While a dirty environment can have a lot to do with any infection, an eye infection for a rat does not necessarily mean that the human owner is at fault. They do just happen sometimes, and all we can do is treat them properly! Read more

How to Give a Rat a Bath: Can You Give a Rat a Bath?

Rats who don’t seem to get baths often just don’t really enjoy the idea; much like a dog or a cat who does not get a bath very frequently at all. Just because the animal refuses a bath, does not mean that he or she does not need to be cleaned. Rats, like other animals, can get funky build ups and parasites on them. Bathing is the best way to remove all of the funk that accumulates over time. Read more

Why Does My Pet Rat Boggle and Brux? What Boggling and Bruxing REALLY Means!

Have you ever witnessed your pet boggling and bruxing? Did it maybe freak you out? If it did, there is no reason to worry about your beloved pet. Rats naturally boggle their eyes and brux their teeth. While bruxing, you will hear your pet rat grinding it’s teeth, chomping, and exhaling as if it’s tired of chewing on some food. As they brux their teeth, you’ll usually see the rat’s eyeballs bouncing or jiggling as they brux. Boggling looks absolutely terrifying to a new rat owner who has no idea of this happening; it almost looks like a mini rat seizure, which would definitely warrant a visit to a rat or small animal veterinary specialist. Check out what it means when they boggle and brux! Read more