FAQ: Can Rats Swim?

do rats like to take baths

Rats are furry little land mammals, who burrow and climb. Most people would think that rats don’t like water. Just like people, every rat has his or her own personal preferences; some of those rats greatly enjoy swimming!

Can Rats Swim?

Just like cats, dogs, and many other animals, rats are able to swim naturally. While some of us humans still fumble around in the water like we’re drowning, rats will gracefully doggy paddle all the way to their destinations. Rats are pretty magical little creatures. Read more

Do Rats Eat Meat?

Rats are omnivores, which means they eat a wide variety of foods including plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, insects, and  animal products, such as milk and cheese.

Chances are you’ve given your rats a bit of cheese, or a delicious little bowl of yogurt.

However, some question whether or not they should give their rats meat; is it safe for a rat to eat?


Rats: Nature’s Incredible, Intelligent Scavenger

Rats are one of nature’s most important clean up crews. Along with vultures, flies, o’possums, and many other critters, they clean up what others may not want.

Whether that’s a leftover slice of pizza on the streets of NYC, the mess you left on your shirt while eating cookies, or chasing down a common housefly, there isn’t much a rat won’t gobble down.

If you toss a piece of chicken in front of your rat, he or she will run for the hills with a tasty new prize, but there’s no need to fret! 

It’s perfectly safe.

Rats Love Meat!

Rats absolutely love meat, especially when it’s part of your delicious tomato pasta (rats can have tomatoes!) or sitting atop a divine salad. As a rat owner, you’ve likely found yourself robbed of one of your favorite meals due to your smart little pets.

They swoop in when you don’t realize it, and run with their spoils. They absolutely love to dine with us; but you have to be careful, because they will stash their favorite foods (from your meal) in all kinds of places.

Then, they’ll forget about it.

Trust me, if you’re not careful, you’ll find little dried out food stashes all over your home weeks later!

The last thing you want laying around is meat; thus, I don’t recommend giving them much to nibble on, unless they are in their cages. Speaking of which…

How Much Meat Can Rats Have?

Depending on the age, size, and weight of your rat, I would only include meat as a part of a balanced diet. They should not have an entire meal made up of your leftover bits of chicken or pork; instead, offer them a piece roughly the size of their heads at most.

Protein is a very important part of a rat’s diet, and meat is an excellent way to fit that protein in. However, a rat who is overweight needs to be watched carefully. Generally, lowering the carbohydrate and sugar intake can make a world of difference (Sorry little guys; that means a lot less Cheerios, yogurt, chocolate, and noodles!)

If you are lowering your rat’s carbohydrate and sugar intake, meat is an excellent, tasty treat to get their minds off of the loss of their favorite snacks. I’d also encourage a bit of exercise, too; there are rat wheels out there that’ll make it easier to entice your rat into becoming more active.

Ensuring That Meat Is Safe for Your Rat’s Consumption

Before you go to feed your rats meat, just be sure that the food is safe for consumption. A rat’s stomach can handle much more than a human’s can, as rats are able to consume raw meat naturally. However, since they are pets that are living in close quarters with humans, it’s important to ensure that the rats don’t fall ill or become infected with parasites or diseases that could possibly be transmitted to humans.

Thus, let’s be sure to follow safe meat handling processes:

  • Cook meat to an internal temperature of 165*F.
  • Do not cook or serve spoiled meat.
  • Always prevent cross contamination; never use wood cutting boards for meat, and don’t use the same cutting boards for raw meat and fruits/vegetables.
  • If meat seems contaminated with something, or if it is recalled, be sure to return the product to the store.
  • Always refrigerate leftovers.

One Last Note…

If you are offering your rat a recipe that you’ve made with meat, be sure that it does not contain any dangerous foods for rats.


Why Does My Rat Want to Get In My Mouth?

Have you noticed that your rats love to claw at your face, trying to find a way into your mouth?

It’s fairly awkward, especially for those who aren’t used to this type of behavior from their pets. Even more so if the individual is a visitor who is casually playing with someone else’s pet rats!

why does my rat want to get in my mouth

Do All Rats Play “Dentist”?

It should come as no shock that this behavior is very common (and quite frequent) among pet rats. As a matter of fact, it’s more unusual for a pet rat to not engage in this behavior. Those that don’t tend to be more independent and unimpressed with human interaction; or, they’re simply more timid or scared.

Why Do Rats Try to Get Inside of Your Mouth?

Rats eat an insane amount of food. If you’re not careful with a rat’s diet, you’ll wind up with a very obese pet who refuses to do much aside from eating and sleeping.

Thus, rats are always on the hunt for the best foods, which they know you have. They also know where that food goes, and they’re not ashamed to go in search of leftovers….. inside of your mouth.

That’s right! They’re always trying to find out what you’re eating and where it all went. If you’ve ever had a rat run up, rob your plate of food, and bolt for the underside of the nearest piece of heavy furniture, you know that they love to scheme and plot for food. They are shameless animals, and they love to take your food. Sneaky buggers, but you gotta love them!

Should I Let My Rat Get Inside of My Mouth?

Of course, no one can tell you what you can or cannot do; I will say that many rat owners allow their pet rats to climb in their mouths and do a bit of ratty dentistry. However, I was never one of those people; as much as I love my rats, the idea was very unsanitary for me. I also won’t allow a dog to lick my mouth, though; many others do.

From a health standpoint, I would not advise allowing your rats to get inside of your mouth. Even if your rats are 100% healthy, they don’t exactly wash their paws at the kitchen sink (thus, their little paws aren’t clean). It sure is cute, but the thought of what could enter your mouth during that process churns my stomach.

How Can I Get My Rat to Leave My Mouth Alone?

First of all, don’t play with your rats immediately after eating a meal. This is just inviting them to investigate your hands, face, and mouth. The fresh scent of food lets them know something tasty is (well, was) close by.

Next, be sure that your rats have enjoyed a lovely little meal before you play with them. While rats are bottomless hungry pits, they will be less likely to attempt to tear your mouth open if they’ve got nearly full bellies.

Lastly, discourage behavior when it occurs. If the rat has become insistent about accessing your mouth frequently, simply set him or her down repeatedly until their attention is diverted towards something else. This might mean you’ll set down a rat 3,619 times today, but you’ll eventually get the message across.

The video below is an example of what so many rats attempt to do to their owners:

Why Do My Rats Fight At Night?

Have you ever woken up to a battle royale going on in your rats’ cages? For many rat owners, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence.

Rats are nocturnal animals by nature, meaning they’re much more active at night. You’ll frequently see them napping the day away.

When you’re home, you’ll notice they’re much more active when you wake in the morning, return from work or school, and when you’re eating (go figure, they want a nibble!)

If you’re consistently waking up to squeaking each and every night, it’s probably time to figure out why…

Can Rats Eat Chocolate?

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t love a chocolate treat?

Whether it be some form of candy bars, cookies, brownies, or cakes… it’s likely that you enjoy one of them.

I can promise that your rats do, too! If you decide to offer your rats one of the most delicious guilty pleasures on the face of the planet, give yourself a minute to read this post before you drop a treat to your rats!

Read more

Can Rats Climb On Beds?

We all love our pet rats; however, there is something that lurks in the minds of thousands of people across the world…

When wild rats invade the home, they can be of great concern. They may destroy food stores, make a home unsanitary, and spread disease to both pets and people.

Thinking of a wild, potentially diseased, animal crawling into bed with you during the night hours isn’t exactly a tranquil thought.

Can rats climb on beds? Is it possible for a wild rat to get into bed with you during the night? The news I’m about to deliver probably isn’t what you want to hear…. Read more

Why Does My Rat Always Run for the Floor, Under Furniture, and Behind Tables?

Rats are known for their incredibly curious natures.

One moment, your pet rat might be trying to sneak inside your shirt; the next, it’s headed straight into your bag of chips!

At some point, though, your rat will learn that the world is far more vast than the bed, couch, or cage that it lounges around with you….

At that point, you’re in for tons of fun! (or, maybe not… some rats are truly mischievous!) Read more

What Does It Mean When a Rat Licks or Grooms You?

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Does it just mean I taste good?

Do I just smell terrible?

Does my rat think I’m a poorly, lost child who needs some direction in life?

Does this have anything to do with the boggling and bruxing that my rat does?!

What is this about?!

Rats are known for licking their owners; some a bit more obsessively than others. They may lick you at odd times. They might only do it once in a blue moon. In any case, it seems a bit odd; especially since dogs are the “lickers” of the animal world.

Move over, Fido. Templeton the Dumbo Rat is taking your title! Read more

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