Can Rats Eat Tomatoes?

So, you cleaned out your fridge.

Or, perhaps you have a beautiful garden that is providing you with more fruit than you know what to do with.

Yet again, maybe you have a tomato left over from your salad and you just want to see what your ratties think about it.

You stop and think… “But, CAN rats eat tomatoes? Or will it hurt them… Maybe it’s too acidic? Maybe I should wait…” Read more

When Can Baby Rats be Weaned and Leave Their Mother for New Homes?

So you have a litter of baby rats, and you just don’t know what to do with them. Most importantly, you don’t know when to take them from the mother rat, wean them, and take over their care. The female rat will eventually become slightly annoyed by her babies, so be sure that she has a place to “escape” to; a place that the babies cannot get to. A high hammock is a good option. You will see her begin to get antsy when the babies begin running around, between 2 and 3 weeks old. So when exactly can you free the doe from her maternity cage, and let the kits fend without their momma? Read more

A Breeder Sold Me Sick Injured Animals: What Do I Do?

A Breeder Sold Me Sick Injured Animals: What Do I Do?

bumble foot in pet fancy rats

this is a guinea pig, but it is exactly the same as rat bumble foot. Very gross, very painful, and very difficult for a rat to go through.

Rat breeders and rescuers make it possible for owners and prospective owners to find ratties to adopt and love. However, not all breeders are created equal. Some breeders are poor quality “feeder breeders.” These breeders do not take care of their animals as they should, significantly increasing the risk of a sickly animal. If you have purchased a sick or injured rat from a poor quality breeder, there are several steps that you can take. Read more

Why Is My Rat Going Bald? Natural Hair Loss, Disease, or Parasites?

A rat going bald could be something as simple as a unique coat variety, or as serious as a deadly infection, parasite, or severe bullying. If a rat suddenly begins losing hair, his or her age, coat type, sex, overall health, and relationships between cage mates must be noted. All of these different things can play an important role in baldness. For a rat going bald, the owner can rest easy once he or she knows that the fur baby is safe and healthy!

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Choosing a Safe Exercise Wheel for Your Rat

Rat paws, feet, claws, toes

Between caught  toes, disfigured backs, and tail injuries, the exercise wheel can be a very dangerous territory for domesticated rats. If you plan to buy a wheel for your rats to run on, it is necessary to do some serious research and find the right wheel for the health and safety of your rats. Here, we will highlight some do’s and don’ts, as well as link to some appropriate wheels!

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Couponing for Rats: $1 Cheerios at CVS! 2/13/16

Couponing for Rats: $1 Cheerios at CVS!

Alright guys, due to my recent obsession with couponing, I’m going to be sharing all of my rat friendly coupon deals with you. This one definitely inspired me! Instead of paying $3 for a box of Cheerios, how about paying $1? Even if you exceed the limit on your CVS Extrabucks, you’ll still get them for $1.50 per box with the coupon. Great deal, right? If you have any questions, check out the bullet list at the bottom of this post. Print NOW and use by tomorrow 2/13/16 at midnight! Sale ends soon, so get it while you can!!!

The Cheerios Deal

  • Print out the coupon below twice. You have a printing allowance of twice per computer.
  • Go to your local CVS and pick up two 12 oz boxes of Cheerios (or whichever Cheerios have the $1 extrabucks promotion tag).
  • At the register, present your CVS card so extrabucks will print. Once the cashier scans the Cheerios, give them the $1 off 2 Cheerios coupon you printed. Each coupon requires two boxes purchased.
  • Your $1 Extrabucks will print!


Price Break Down

  • Cheerios are on sale at CVS for 2 for $4
  • Coupon is $1 off 2, bringing the price down to $1.50 each, or 2 for $3.
  • After the $1 Extrabucks prints, you have paid $3 for two boxes of cereal with a $1 Extrabuck in your hand. This brings the final price to $1 per box! You can then use that Extrabuck on MORE cheerios!
  1. What Are Extrabucks?           Extrabucks are like CVS “cash” that you can spend at CVS. They are linked to your CVS card and cannot be used with another card.  They print on your receipt, and can be redeemed immediately. Look at it like a CVS gift card!
  2. Why Can I Print Only 2 Coupons?          Couponing sites have a limit per device to prevent abuse. Every computer, cell phone, and tablet is limited to two copies each.
  3. What About CVS Limits?            CVS sets limits on its extrabucks promotions. This limit is usually from anywhere between 1 and 6 times. Check out sales ads for more information.


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